Secure Telephony (SBC)

Protect your business's telecommunications network from malicious attacks aimed at eavesdropping or charging unknown targets.

Secure communication

SBC is a network function that protects the voice infrastructure over IP (VoIP) while providing conversion or not between signaling and communication messages from terminal devices (SoftPhones) or application servers (Servers). SBC is a critical network security component for services. VoIP designed to effectively manage session time and protect key network components from various types of attacks such as DDoS, including malicious and non-malicious signal attacks. Choosing an SBC is more than just an infrastructure decision, it is a business decision. . SBC is a vital communication solution that enables higher voice and video quality, provides greater flexibility in providing multimedia applications to customers and employees, and provides cost-effectiveness that dramatically reduces telecommunications charges and network management complexity.


  • Security: Hackers are constantly becoming more sophisticated, changing and upgrading their methods to circumvent security measures. Having up-to-date systems backed by an extra level of SBC protection is vital to maintaining the security of VoIP solutions.
  • Smart connection management: SBC is not only responsible for terminating the SIP connection on the perimeter of the network — they are also choosing the optimal route for delivering this call to its final destination. This selection process, referred to as call routing, is one of the many smart control policies that SBC implements to ensure the smooth and efficient flow of communication across your corporate network. This efficiency can lead to significant savings for businesses.
  • SIP Interoperability: Another key role of an SBC is to mediate SIP communications between different devices. An IP-PBX from vendor A and an IP-PBX from vendor B may "speak" differently to the SIP protocol, requiring an SBC for translation (known as SIP normalization) to ensure that signaling is properly communicated.
  • Media services (transcoding): Different types of communication networks use different encoders to convert voice signals for digital transmission. These different encoders are why the voices on your cell phone and your home phone sound different. Some encoders may consume a lot of bandwidth to provide better audio quality or use less bandwidth to provide faster transmission. SBC has the ability to translate different encodings, a process known as media transcoding.
  • ScalabilityCommunication via SIP will continue to grow as more companies adopt a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy that introduces more SIP-based smartphones and tablets. This means that the SBC you buy today must be able to handle tomorrow's growing needs and must be scaled up financially.
  • Connectivity: SBC connects the company's telecommunications infrastructure to the public Internet, with a Cloud PBX and / or a private network. They play multiple critical roles in maintaining and securing the network.